Sunday, February 17, 2013

My Panorama Photo of Kukulkan Pyramid, Mexico

Kukulkan Pyramid (El Castillo) and the press gang in Mexico x fly

coming and going (for my grandma)

Coming and going
(Dedicated to my Grandma: Dec. 25th, 1922 – Jan. 19th, 2013).

Grandmothers are voices of the past
and role models of the present.—Unknown

and snow fallen
beauty-freeze at nine below
a chilling black & white portrait
of Amsterdam

to write to warm the heart
control the rhythm,
memories jig the lights
behind my eyelids

the canal framed by branches
my eyes open, I blink
life cogitates in the kernel
of death?
and beneath the ice

new seeds new soil and
things poised to bloom
& burst into

seasons cycle
trans-energies charge
release relax,
beings coming & going

on my eyelash
you in a new form of energy
snow drifts hug
the window silly of my eye,
oh nana
wind and fog of thought
now solid ice, the dark what ifs’
a hand quilted sunrise blanket
coming & going maybe sad

both/and joyous
like crying signifies death
& birth  
affixed to our inner walls

to the revolving doors
made whole in us all
 to honour life in death
spread good virtue

being & non-being both
equal & opposite
thru an old frosted looking glass
we search

for sense friendship wisdom
unconditional love
in your honour like you taught us

from my thought you’re never far
now in loving memory
here to my beautiful Irish

by Steven ‘fly’ Pratt
19-23rd January, 2013